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Melalite Forte Cream | Hydroquinone 4%


(7 customer reviews)

Melalite Forte Cream is used in the treatment of melasma. It is a skin-lightening medicine that lightens the darkened skin patches and spots(hyperpigmentation). It reduces the amount of skin-darkening pigment called melanin in the skin.

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Melalite Forte Cream

GENERIC NAME Hydroquinone
INDICATION Hyperpigmentation, Melasma
MANUFACTURER Abbott India Pvt Ltd
PACKAGING 30 gm in 1 tube
COMPOSITION Hydroquinone (4% w/w)
PACK SIZE 3 Tube/s, 6 Tube/s, 9 Tube/s, 25 Tube/s, 50 Tube/s


Melalite Forte Cream is used in the treatment of melasma. It is a skin-lightening medicine that lightens the darkened skin patches and spots(hyperpigmentation). It reduces the amount of skin-darkening pigment called melanin in the skin. It helps in reversible depigmentation of the skin.

Melalite-Forte Cream is for external use only. You should use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. You must wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying this medicine. This medicine should be used regularly to get the most benefit from it. Do not use more than you need as some side effects may be increased.

Melalite-Forte Cream has a few potential side effects but not everyone will get them. These may include dry skin, itching, skin burn, skin peeling, and skin redness. Serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare but let your doctor know if you’re bothered by side effects or they do not go away. Make sure you read the instructions that come with your medicine. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of accidental contact, you should rinse your eyes thoroughly with water.

You can start applying Melalite-Forte Cream to a small portion of unbroken skin or near the pigmented area for a period of several days for checking an allergic reaction. You should discontinue it if itching, excessive inflammation, or swelling occurs. Pregnant women should consult their doctor before taking this medicine. If no improvement is seen after two months of treatment, the use of this product should be discontinued.

The Benefits and Applications of Melalite Forte Hydroquinone Cream

Melalite Forte, with its hydroquinone content, offers a range of benefits for those seeking to improve their skin’s appearance. Hydroquinone is a potent depigmenting agent that effectively lightens dark patches and hyperpigmentation, resulting in a more uniform skin tone. By consistently applying this cream as directed by a healthcare professional, you can experience a significant reduction in the appearance of these imperfections, revealing a more radiant and even complexion. For optimal results and to ensure the safety of your skin, it is crucial to follow your dermatologist’s guidance and incorporate sun protection into your daily skincare routine.

The Role of Melalite Forte in Diminishing Skin Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Melalite Forte plays a vital role in diminishing skin hyperpigmentation. Its key component, hydroquinone, works by reducing the production of melanin, thereby lightening dark spots and areas of excessive pigmentation. This cream is often recommended by dermatologists as a focused and effective solution for individuals seeking to address hyperpigmentation concerns. When used in conjunction with a proper skincare routine, Melalite-Forte can help individuals achieve a more balanced and radiant complexion.

Unlocking the Benefits of Melalite Forte for Your Skin

Melalite Forte offers a range of benefits for those seeking to improve their skin’s appearance. The primary ingredient, hydroquinone, inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark-spots and hyperpigmentation. With consistent use, this cream can lead to a reduction in the appearance of these imperfections, resulting in a more even and radiant complexion. To achieve the best results and ensure the safety of your skin, it is essential to follow the guidance of a dermatologist and incorporate sun protection into your daily routine.

Tackling Dark Spots on the Face with Melalite Forte Cream

When it comes to tackling dark spots on the face, Melalite-Forte Cream is a popular choice among dermatologists. Its key component, hydroquinone, is well-known for its ability to inhibit melanin production, leading to the lightening of dark-spots and hyperpigmentation. By applying Melalite-Forte Cream as directed, you can effectively target and treat dark-spots on your face, gradually revealing a more even and radiant skin tone. It’s important to use this cream responsibly, in accordance with professional advice, for safe and effective results.


  • Melasma

BENEFITS OF CREAMMelalite Forte Cream | Hydroquinone 4%

In Melasma

Melasma is a common skin problem that causes dark, discolored patches on your skin. It is more commonly seen in females than males. Melalite-Forte Cream helps to lighten these dark patches of the skin usually caused by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone medicine, or injury to the skin. It effectively blocks that process in the skin that leads to discoloration. Melalite-Forte Cream also reduces any redness, rash, pain, or itchiness that may be caused by this condition.
This improves your self-esteem and confidence as your appearance changes. You should always use it as prescribed and only apply the amount you have been told to. Keep using it for as long as it is prescribed to get the full benefits.


Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them

Common side effects of Melalite Forte

  • Erythema (skin redness)
  • Dryness and fissuring of paranasal and infraorbital areas
  • Stinging sensation


This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use. Clean and dry the affected area and apply the cream. Wash your hands after applying, unless hands are the affected area.


Melalite-Forte Cream is a skin lightening medication. It works by reducing the amount of a pigment (melanin) that causes darkening of skin. It does so by suppressing the activity of tyrosinase, the enzyme required to make melanin.




No interaction found/established


Melalite-Forte Cream may be unsafe to use during pregnancy. Although there are limited studies in humans, animal studies have shown harmful effects on the developing baby. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and any potential risks before prescribing it to you. Please consult your doctor.

Breast feeding

Melalite-Forte Cream is probably safe to use during breastfeeding. Limited human data suggests that the drug does not represent any significant risk to the baby.


Melalite Forte Cream (Hydroquinone 4%) Buy Online
No interaction found/established


No interaction found/established


No interaction found/established


If you miss a dose of Melalite-Forte Cream, apply it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double the dose.

Additional information

Pack Size

25 Tube/s, 3 Tube/s, 50 Tube/s, 6 Tube/s, 9 Tube/s

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