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Biluma Advance Day Cream 50gm


(2 customer reviews)

Biluma Advance Day Cream is a natural and organic material-based acne-removal solution. These tried-and-true natural components work together to improve overall skin health and give you a more radiant appearance. This cream is free of harsh chemicals and is ideal for brighter, more radiant-looking skin.

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BILUMA ADVANCE DAY Cream 50gm (Hyperpigmentation Curcumin+Kojic Acid+Licorice+Tocopherol)

INDICATION Skin Brightening, Anti-ageing
PACKAGING 50 gm Cream 1 JAR
MANUFACTURER Galderma India Pvt Ltd
COMPOSITION Hyperpigmentation Curcumin+Kojic Acid+Licorice+Tocopherol


Biluma Advance Day Cream is a natural and organic material-based acne-removal solution. These tried-and-true natural components work together to improve overall skin health and give you a more radiant appearance. This cream is free of harsh chemicals and is ideal for brighter, more radiant-looking skin.

Key Ingredients:

  • Licorice
  • Artubin
  • Mulberry
  • Vitamin E
  • Curcumin
  • Kojic acid

Key Benefits:

  • Mulberry has natural skin lightening properties and imparts fairness that cannot be missed
  • It has ingredients that could activate tyrosinase that prevents darkness of the skin
  • It reduces inflammation, itch and irritation
  • Helps in treating dark spots on the skin and its ability to reduce the production of melanin and harmful free radicals.
  • Moisturizing the skin to prevent dryness and flakiness.
  • Providing a protective barrier against environmental factors like pollution and UV rays.
  • Improving the overall texture and tone of the skin Providing a base for makeup application and helping it to go on smoothly.

Directions For Use:
Read the label carefully before use or as directed by the physician.

How to Use


  • Thoroughly wash and dry your skin before use.
  • Take a small amount with your hands and apply as a thin layer on skin.
  • Massage gently until it is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • For best results, use it twice daily.

Safety Information:

  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Use under medical supervisionBiluma Advance Day Cream 50gm

Additional information

Pack Size

25 Jar/s, 3 Jar/s, 6 Jar/s, 9 Jar/s

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